First Nations Cedar Balsam Candle

SKU: 17218

  Made in British Columbia

This First Nations all-natural cedar balsam candle was created by Canadian Cree Medicine Woman Carrie Armstrong, based on teachings rooted in the sacred plants of the medicine wheel.

4 oz. natural 100% soy wax cedar balsam-scented candle.

Canadians from coast to coast know the spicy, resinous fragrance of cedar, traditionally known as a calming & grounding plant. Cedar is nature’s purifier and boasts a distinctly resinous fragrance. Leaves are cleaned from the stems and separated into small pieces to be used in many ways (for making tea, bathing and ceremony). It represents grounding, maturity, purification and balance. Elders suggest walking with cedar in your shoes to walk in a good way down your path and it was one of the first gifts of natural healing shared with settlers upon their arrival (its high vitamin C content was a great antidote for scurvy). It is the western direction of the medicine wheel.

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