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When you think of Canadian drinks, I'm sure the first thing that comes to mind is beer. Well, think again, because the Sourtoe cocktail might be the most Canadian beverage around!
Haven't heard of it? Well hold on to your woolen socks, because this is an interesting tale.
Back in the 1970s, a Dawson City man named Captain Dick Stevenson came across an amputated toe when he was cleaning out his cabin, and like a perfectly rational person decided to found a club based on the appendage. How to join? Members must drink a shot of whiskey in which is mummified toes floats. If you take the shot and the toe touches your lips, you're officially a member for life. To date, the Sourtoe Cocktail Club has over 100'000 members (and more than a few toes have been swallowed!)
The original toe has been lost to time (and stomachs), but the Downtown Hotel in Dawson City never wants for digits. Back in June of 2019, a UK man who lost several toes to frostbite in the 2018 Yukon Arctic Ultra mailed his toes from the UK to Dawson City so that they could be used to inaugurate future members of the Sourtoe Cocktail Club. It will take 6 weeks in rock salt to be properly preserved, but the owner of the hotel issued a statement saying he was very grateful for the generous toe-nation.
You can read more about the most recent toes to join the Sourtoe Cocktail initiation committee here. In the meantime, PLEASE comment if you are part of the Sourtoe Cocktail Club, we would love to hear from you!
In August 2014, my long-time friend from university and I toured the Yukon for his 50th birthday. During our travels, we went to the Downtown Hotel in Dawson City for the famous Sourtoe cocktail. We figured – what the heck – why not? Next to maple syrup and beaver tails, how Canadian can you get right? My whiskey of choice was Jack Daniels and I managed to perform the necessary maneuver to join the fraternity of members of the Sourtoe Club. I let the preserved toe in the glass to touch my lips without swallowing it (a huge financial penalty if you do) and down the potent potable. Captain Dick read out the official oath and presented me with the certificate of authenticity and wallet card. Funny when I tell people about it they are totally grossed out but the ceremony is not near as bad as it may sound – its just mind over matter. Sadly Captain Dick passed away a year or two ago. Not sure if the legend is carried on by someone else or not. Bottoms up !!! EH.
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One of Canada’s great artists: Maud Lewis
Maud Lewis, (March 7, 1903 – July 30, 1970) famously known as Canadian painter and folk artist from Marshalltown, Nova Scotia. Lewis became an inspiration around the globe as word spread and others heard about her “paintings for sale” sign at the edge of the road. Life was not easy for her but that never stopped her from exploring her passions of painting. Continue to explore Maud Lewis through our latest products; a Maud Lewis Colouring & Activity Book, a Black Cats – Felt Kit, and Black Cat – Thinking of You Card & Kit.
Elaryia Barbara de Groot
September 21, 2021
I’ve joined 3 times!! So much fun!!